Asteroid City Reviews

In his latest film, Wes Anderson and his all-stars go meta with a TV show about a theatrical play that, in turn, is about a small town, U.S.A

Wes Anderson’s New Masterpiece

As with all Wes Anderson movies, Asteroid City has a stellar cast. To name just a few actors in Asteroid City, you have Tom Hanks, Bryan Cranston, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Steve Carell, Jeff Goldblum, Scarlett Johanson, and Margot Robbie. There’s also Jason Schwartzmann, a regular in Wes Anderson movies, and Edward Norton, who, after appearing in Knives Out: Glass Onion, seems to be finally returning.

New York Times Review

By Manohla Dargis

June 15, 2023

Asteroid City

NYT Critic’s Pick

Directed by Wes Anderson

“Asteroid City,” the latest from Wes Anderson, is filled with the assiduous visuals, mythic faces, and charming curiosities you expect from this singular filmmaker. It’s comic and often wry, but like some of his other films, it has the soul of a tragedy. It’s partly set in 1955 in a fictional Southwest town, a lonely four corners with a diner, gas station, and motor inn. Palm trees and cactuses stipple the city, and reddish buttes rise in the distance. It looks like an ordinary pit stop save for the atomic cloud soon mushrooming in the sky.

The film by Anderson is about desire and death, small mysteries and cosmic unknowns, and the stories we make of all the stuff called life. It opens in black-and-white on an unnamed television host (Bryan Cranston, severe and mustachioed) in a studio. Tightly encased by the boxy aspect ratio and speaking into the camera, he introduces the evening’s program, a “backstage” look at the creation of a new play, “Asteroid City,” that’s been made “expressly for this broadcast.” He then presents the playwright (Edward Norton), who rises from his typewriter to stand on a bare stage and show the characters.

With its ticking clock, the suited television host and the broadcast studio conjure up 1950s live anthology dramas like “Studio One,” and you may flash on Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” when the host and playwright start speaking. Anderson quickly fills up the stage and the film, too. A train chugs in under the opening credits carrying a bounty of goods: gravel, avocados, pecans, John Deere tractors, plump Pontiacs, and a 10-megaton nuclear warhead. Jeffrey Wright enters to play a five-star general, while Tilda Swinton shows up as a scientist. Tom Hanks plays a dashing curmudgeon; Adrien Brody makes the muscular theater director.

The drama starts soon after the playwright’s introductory remarks, except it doesn’t look anything like a theater production. It seems like a meticulous, detailed, visually balanced, wide-screen Wes Anderson film. There’s no proscenium, no stage, no wings, no audience. The blue sky stretches over the town; the yellow desert extends into infinity. The characters enter by car and bus and are shot in long view and intimate close-up, beautifully framed by the camera. The palette is an astonishment, a dusty rainbow of hues. This story was left to bleach in the sun before being wrapped in transparent yellowed plastic.

The colors are mesmerizing and ever-so-gently destabilizing. These pigments signal that you’ve entered a new fictional realm that, like the television studio, is immediately recognizable and somehow foreign. The interplay between the familiar and the strange, like that between the theatrical and the cinematic, is a foundational theme in Anderson’s films, which, like most movies, look a lot like life yet are always different. Art makes that difference — the voice, sensibility, technique, craft, money, luck, and how the thrilling, terrifying mess of existence is gathered, organized, and then set loose upon the world.

Divided into acts, the play’s first section commences with the arrival of the newly widowed Augie Steenbeck, a war photographer played by a method-y actor, Jones Hall. (Jason Schwartzman plays both.) Augie, his brainy teenage son, Woodrow (Jake Ryan), and three interchangeable young daughters are visiting for Asteroid Day, an event that commemorates the day (Sept. 23, 3007 B.C.!) a meteor crashed nearby, leaving a crater now overlooked by an observatory. More visitors appear, including a teacher with a flock of children, some singing cowboys, and other parents with teens who, like Woodrow, are contestants in an Asteroid Day competition.

With Scarlett Johansson, Schwartzman fills the film’s expressive center with humor and perfect timing. Johansson also has dual roles as both an actor and a character. She’s Midge Campbell in the play, a sultry Hollywood star who rolls into town with her whiz-kid and a bodyguard. Midge and Augie meet cute at the diner, but their relationship blooms while in their respective rental cabins. There, framed by windows, they face each other and open up, talking in that somewhat deadpan, patently Anderson-screwball way that puts up a snappy, performative front that slowly gives way to deep feeling.

Anderson regularly switches back and forth between the television story and the drama in the town, gradually putting them into meaningful, dynamic, and poignant play with each other. There are crises in self-doubt, confrontations, assignations, and discussions about art and life. He’s crammed much into this film, including cinematic allusions and theatrical lore. The play takes place in September 1955, the month that James Dean died in another parched Southwest wasteland; there’s an audition with Jones and the playwright that evokes Brando’s famous one for Tennessee Williams’s “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

If you know “Streetcar,” you may remember Blanche’s famous cry: “I don’t want realism. I want magic!” It’s a heartbreaking and naked appeal that could be uttered (though with far more restraint) by Anderson. There’s so much yearning in “Asteroid City.” OveAnderson has refined his filmmaking and stories and organized cinematic time and space. His visual style is so distinct and instantly recognizable that it’s spawned imitators and inspired an Instagram account (and now book) called Accidentally Wes Anderson, a compendium of Anderson-esque visuals that exist in real life.

An accidentally Wes Anderson world is an amusing idea, partly because his films can outwardly seem somehow removed from life despite their agonies, broken hearts, dashed dreams, and nuclear weapons. Part of what makes his work memorable and often unexpectedly touching is that his filmmaking — the stylized way he orders the world with his richly populated cast of collaborators — expresses how he navigates the world’s confusions. When Augie shows Midge a bald patch on his head where he was wounded by shrapnel while on assignment, he is sharing a reminder of the horrors that he’s seen. It’s an emblem of his pain but also an invitation to another person and us — an appeal to our sympathies.

Asteroid City is rated PG-13 for imagery and adult content. It is in theaters and runs for 1 hour and 44 minutes.

Wes Anderson

Wesley Wales Anderson is an American filmmaker known for his eccentricity, unique visual and narrative styles, and frequent use of ensemble casts. His films often contain themes of grief, loss of innocence, and dysfunctional families.

  • Born: May 1, 1969 (age 54 years), Houston, TX

  • Partner: Juman Malouf (2010–)

  • Parents: Texas Anderson, Melver Anderson

  • Siblings: Eric Chase Anderson, Mel Anderson

  • Alma mater: University of Texas at Austin (BA)

  • Children: 1


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